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Meaning of Smart City

Smart City: A developed urban area that creates sustainable economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas; economy, mobility, environment, people, living, and government. Excelling in these key areas can be done so through strong human capital, social capital, and/or ICT infrastructure.
Smart City Mean of (smarter city) A Smart City equipped with basic infrastructure to give a decent quality of life and clean and livable environment to live smarter. 
Smart Cities is a continuous and cumulative approach to solve general purpose issues of a city. It is to develop strong citizen engagements, ensuring better quality of life, retrofitting the damaged architecture,  making curated and effective mobility, accessibility to basic civic amenities and balancing the citizen-city requirements. The motto is to make city and citizen one. 

5 key elements of PM Narendra Modi's 100 smart cities :

1. In terms of infrastructure, the smart cities should have 24x7 availability of high quality utility services like water and power.

2. A robust transport system that emphasises on public transport is also a key element.

3. In social infrastructure, the cities should provide opportunities for jobs and livelihoods for its inhabitants.

4. The smart cities should also have proper facilities for entertainment and the safety and security of the people. State-of-the-art health and education facilities are also a must.

5. The smart cities should minimize waste by increasing energy efficiency and reducing water conservation. Proper recycling of waste materials must be done in such cities.

These 12 Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) are-

पतंजलि के साथ अपना बिजनेश शुरू करो

1) Economy-

This indicator will analyse for the economical aspect of the cities. To claim every regular city as "smart" it is very important to address and monitor the macro and micro level of economical arrangements.

2) Mobility-

This Indicator will ensure smart transportation, both public and private, effective parking in vertical elevated areas to reduce mismanaged horizontal spaces and what not. Mobility has indices pointing to it which  curates the entire urban transportation system.

3) Quality of Life (Q.O.L.)-

This indicator will ensure and elevate the quality of life. Regular cities does not have comprehensible calibration on this perimeter. It's quantitative indices will ensure that,  citizens from various vernaculars, economic, social, cultural backgrounds etc. will have ease in living in their cities. They do have effective interaction with a city and that too a fruitful one. Basically, this perimeter will provide what a city can provide citizens to elevate citizen's  "smart" life.

4)  Awareness-

To ensure effective engagement, proper civic awareness is the key. People need to be aware on what, how and why their regular city is transforming into a "smart cities". The indices pointing to this KPI, will help citizens to be aware about the happenings of the city, real-time or otherwise. Smart citizens needed to be updated along with the smart cities they are living in.

5) Technology-

The fundamental approach of this KPI, is to ensure effective mechanism of proper Information and Technology cluster for entire city. Enablement of effective technology, when put to use, will not only make the effects of cities faster but also will help citizens transform themsleves as "smart citizens".

6) Infrastructure-

This KPI will enable the local bodies to analyze the infrastrcuture within the space of smart cities. Areas of retrofitting, vertical elevation, building norms, urban architecture, development where needed etc. will be ananlysed by the indices present in Infrastructure.

7) Smart Ciy Agents-

The center of all this urban transformation are the people who will be living into "Smart Cities". This particular KPI, will be a metric analysis of all the demographic. Population calculation, ages, sex ratio, relative migration etc. are some pivotal parts of it. 

8) Smart Govt.-

This KPI will be the part of what I call a dynamic intelligence, to calibrate the performace of Govt in terms of trasnparency, TAT, responsibility, work culture,
work ethics etc. This value will be analysed and along with people's review, it will show if Govt. is performing "smartly" or not.

9) Healthcare-

The perimeter which needs to address the well being of the entire system is utmost important. Number of public-private hospitals, citizen health cards, citizen healthcare policy meter, different diseases, number of fatal issues, accidents, natural death tolls etc. are some of the aspects that will be analys in this KPI. "Smart Health" systems to ensure effective services to the citizens will indexed to this KPI.

10) Waste Management-

One of the major difference that a smart city will have over a regular city, is waste managnement. Accountability of biodegradable & non biodegradable, recyclable & non-recyclable waste will be calibrated from per citizen level to entire city level.  Tracking of waste from houshold to dumpyard, sewage mechanism management, solid waste, water waste, carbon footprint etc. will be the KPI and it will be measured in order to have effective desicion making to solve the problem of 'garbage' (or smart garbage :D). 

11) Energy and Environment-

This particular aspect will keep an eye on flora and fauna of the city. Number of biodiversity hotspot, number of ecosystems, green zones, green belt around the smart infrastrcuture, green house gasses measurements, per capita consumption & production of energy of citizen etc. are some key indices to this KPI.

12) Innovation-

The regular city move towards being a smart city with respect to the new services and products provided for the utility of citizens, This indicator will have a calibration over the new ideas in techm culture, philosophy, education etc. errupting from the city and 
how it canput to use for the benfit of that city.

Some major points of smart cities activation are:

Innovation economy
  • Innovation in industries, clusters, districts of a city
  • Knowledge workforce: Education and employment
  • Creation of knowledge – intensive companies
Urban infrastructure
  • Transport
  • Energy/ Utilities
  • Protection of the environment/ Safety
  • Administration service of the citizen
  • Participatory and direct democracy
  • Service to the citizen: Quality of life

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