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minimum salary and rules about family visas who can come to the UK?

 UK visas News

The salary requirements for UK visas have risen sharply under government plans to reduce migration.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the record number of 745,000 people who came to the UK in 2022 - the last full year for which figures are available - was "far too high".

What is the minimum salary UK visa applicants need?

Most people wanting to work in the UK still have to apply for a visa through the points-based system (PBS).

But from 11 April 2024, they need a job offer with a higher salary.

They have to earn at least £38,700 - an increase of nearly 50% from the previous £26,200 minimum.


The threshold does not apply to some jobs - such as in health and social care, and teachers on national pay scales. But overseas care workers cannot bring family dependants with them.

When the plans were announced, groups including the CBI and the Royal College of Nursing criticised the government for failing to address the UK's labour shortages.

But then-immigration minister Robert Jenrick insisted that any gaps in the labour market caused by the changes would "be filled by British workers".

What are the rules about family visas?

You need a family visa if you want to live with a relative who has the right to be in the UK for more than six months.

Official statistics show that 82,395 family-related visas were issued in the year to September 2023.

You can apply to live with your:

·         spouse or partner

·         fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner

·         child

·         parent

·         relative who will provide long-term care for you

You have to demonstrate a good knowledge of English, and meet the minimum income threshold.

This was initially due to rise to £38,700 - a sharp increase from the previous £18,600 figure.

But after warnings the new rules risked separating families, the government dropped the new minimum to £29,000.

The amount will increase in the future, however, first to £34,500 and then £38,700. Mr Sunak said the higher threshold would be reached "in early 2025".

Anyone renewing an existing family visa will not have to meet the new earnings threshold, the Home Office has confirmed.

·         Home Office rows back on salary threshold for family visa 

·         Visa salary rules will keep us apart, mum warns

How does the points-based system work?

Applicants need 70 points to qualify for a skilled worker visa.

You get 50 points from having a job offer above a minimum skill level, and speaking English.


The remaining 20 points can come from a higher salary, working in a sector with job shortages, or having a relevant PhD.

The standard fee for a skilled visa is usually between £719 and £1,500.

Visa applicants also have to pay a healthcare surcharge for each year of their stay.

The amount can vary - but from April 2024, the standard fee is £1,035 per year, up from £624.

What is the 'shortage occupation list'?

The "shortage occupation list" helps employers fill vacancies in key sectors.

These jobs have a lower salary threshold, making it easier for applicants to gain enough points to get a visa.

The list includes:

·         health and care workers

·         pharmacists

·         graphic designers

·         construction workers

·         vets

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